The Dangers of Getting an Annual Flu Shot

The Dangers of Getting an Annual Flu Shot

Around this time every year, medical professionals all across the world urge their patients to obtain their yearly flu shot. Most people don't realize how potentially harmful this is, especially for kids under 12. Hearing, "My doctor is telling the family to go in and get a flu shot," on the phone. Is it a good idea? I tell them to do their own research on the risks involved and make an informed choice. As a busy chiropractor and naturopathic doctor, I can't waste my time debating with conventional medical physicians who clearly don't know the risks associated with flu shots and other vaccinations.

To this day, I have never had the flu and have never gotten the flu vaccination. Toxic chemicals and various viral strains propagating on live tissue are not welcome in my book. In response to your request, I will discuss some of the findings we have made about the latest fashion in flu shots and the by-products of these purportedly sterile and harmless solutions.

Personally, I wouldn't want any of these chemicals circulating in my blood or stored elsewhere on my body. Let's take a look at the evidence around routine immunizations:

Glycol Ethyl Acetate: Anti-freeze, or ethylene glycol, as it's more formally known, is a common component in vehicle engines. I don't think I need to explain the consequences of drinking antifreeze.
Thimerosal: The majority of vaccines contain a mercury-derived disinfectant and preservative, which has been linked to long-term health problems like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, memory loss, impaired cognitive function, and autoimmune disorders like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

Commonly employed as a disinfectant, phenol is also a color, a carcinogenic agent (a cancer-causing substance), and carbolic acid (another name for phenol).

Some people are extremely sensitive to the negative effects of the medicines neomycin and streptomycin. Two types of antibiotics in a vaccine against a virus? That's always confused me.
Aluminum: Aluminum builds up in the body and has been linked to neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Cancer has also been observed in experimental mice exposed to aluminum. Most vaccines contain it as an adjuvant.

Preservatives like formaldehyde are commonly used. It also turns bodily fluids acidic and is thus categorized as a carcinogenic (cancer-causing) agent. The formaldehyde will begin the process of tissue preservation once it enters the body.

I'm including this information in the hopes that you'll take it to your doctor when he starts reminding you that it's time for your annual flu shot and ask him to explain how the vaccine's ingredients protect against influenza. I look forward to hearing his response to that question. Animal and human tissues, including chicken embryos, monkey kidney tissue, and embryonic guinea pig cells, are used to strain these vaccinations before they are given to humans.

What are the consequences if I ignore my doctor's advice and forego the annual flu shot? You have, by all accounts, just made the best choice of your life. Here are five easy tips to help you stay healthy this flu season:

First, swap your regular intake of caffeinated, alcoholic, and carbonated drinks for filtered water spiked with organic apple cider vinegar. A capful per glass or two tablespoons per gallon. At least half a gallon of water per day is recommended.

The second key is to cut back on highly processed foods like white sugar, white flour, candy, refined grains, and hydrogenated oils. Avoid overeating, even more so around the holidays. Get some sort of exercise at least three times a week. The lymph system's ability to flush waste products from the body improves with regular physical activity.

Hint No. 3: Zinc Many people have been shown to have avoided getting the flu by taking zinc supplements before, throughout, and after the season. Zinc has strong antiviral properties and is a potent immune system booster. You should be careful while selecting a zinc supplement, as there are several available. Therefore, I suggest zinc orotate, the most effective and easily absorbed zinc supplement. Contact Global Healing Center at 713.476.0016 or if you have trouble locating this form of zinc in your area. Do not take zinc if you will also be consuming citrus foods or beverages. It will reduce zinc's efficiency.

Tip #4: Get your food as close to nature as you can. To consume "living" foods is to do so in this sense. Eat as many raw (seasonal) fruits, veggies, nuts, and seeds as you can. Try to support your local farmer's market or go organic if you can. Always remember to give your produce a good scrub before eating it. You can quickly steam vegetables or add them to hearty soups and stews. It is also suggested that you incorporate fresh garlic into your diet.

Avoid worrying and feeling down. That's Tip #5. Negativity and stress can have a devastating effect on one's immune system. Master the art of declining commitments that may otherwise overload your schedule. Take some time alone every day to focus on yourself by reading uplifting books, listening to uplifting music, or meditating. Prepare your mind to always look on the bright side and to view setbacks as opportunities for growth. Never play the "victim" card in social situations.

BONUS!  Secret No. 6: Colloidal Silver, Oxygenator, and Oregano Oil For centuries, people have turned to colloidal silver for its healing properties as a natural antibiotic. It is also effective when sprayed in the nose or used as eardrops. Oxygenator is a chlorine- and oxygen-containing substance in a colorless, odorless aqueous medium that is both safe and stable. The chlorine dioxide (CL02) released by the Oxygenator has been shown to be effective against inflammation as well as against bacteria, fungus, and viruses. The Chemistry Literature confirms CL02's triple-threat potential. Oregano oil has antibacterial and analgesic properties. Oregano oil is nearly as potent as morphine as a painkiller, according to a study published in Phytotherapy Research, and it is more effective than anti-inflammatory medicines at reversing pain and inflammation. Additionally, the oil has powerful antioxidant properties. It also helps digestion by increasing bile production. Don't let your medicine cabinet run low on these three items. You can get all three by visiting or calling (713) 476.0016.

FANTASTIC NEWS!!  Suggestions and Hints Rest and sleep well. Between sunset and midnight, the body repairs itself the most. Sleep cannot be "caught up." Be sure to regularly wash your hands. Please wash your hands after using the restroom and avoid touching your face. Use a tissue and dispose of it promptly if you need to sneeze. Get a new toothbrush every few months. 

Viruses can live in toothbrushes and spread sickness. Congestion can be eased with the use of eucalyptus oil. Use six drops in a steaming hot shower or a pot of boiling water, then drape a towel over your head and breathe in the steam. It can also be used as a diffuser for essential oils. Dairy Merchandise.  Many people are allergic to cow's milk but are unaware of it, and consuming dairy might make you cough up a lot of mucus. Hydrogen peroxide 3% in each ear, three times a day for five days, is recommended for the treatment of flu symptoms.

Since there are likely to be many more flu seasons in the future, I decided it was time to end the secrecy and share this information with as many people as possible. My analysis leads me to believe that your doctor would rather you not learn the truth about the risks associated with immunizations and flu shots. Share this post with your loved ones without hesitation. Good cheer and good health to you over this holiday season. Visit for the most recent version of our frequently updated library of information and scholarly papers.

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